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Bass Guitar Starter Packs

Bass Guitar Starter Packs

The best way to get started on bass is to buy a starter pack. They contain everything you’ll need from amp to carrier case and, of course – the bass itself. Plus, it’s a great way to land yourself a cheap bass guitar with all the trappings to go along!

Start playing beginner bass guitar songs in no time. You can teach yourself bass guitar by using bass guitar beginner books here.


What are the best bass guitar beginner starter packs?

Let’s take a look at some of the best bass starter packs on the market:

The Squier PJ Bass Pack

The Squier PJ Bass Pack is ideal for first time players, you’ll find a speaker, gig bag, headphone jack, straps, and much more.

Ibanez Jumpstart Pack

Ibanez Jumpstart Pack While coming in many flavours, you’ll find that most of the Ibanez packages contain a strap, carrier, small amp, headphones, and everything else you need to get rocking!

Bass Starter Packs

Bass Starter Packs Watch this review of bass starter packs from our friends at Andertons Music Co.


Bass Guitar starter packs are usually available all over the world directly from your local music shop as well as global online shops.

Take your time to listen and read up on the inclusions of the pack. Generally, bass guitar starter packs provide the best value for beginner bass guitar players and tend to hold their resale value fairly well.

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About Bassic Training

Jeremy Playing bass in Hairspray The Musical Orchestra Pit Welcome to Bassic Training. I’m Jeremy, a professional bass guitarist from Australia. Our goal is to help you fast-track your progress and learn correct bass guitar technique and musicianship.




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Bass Guitar Starter Packs

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